November 1, 2002
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Hope you're doing well and that you had a fun time on Halloween. To be honest, I barely remembered it was Halloween yesterday... guess I've truly immersed myself in Israeli culture. :) I did miss seeing all the cute neighborhood kids dressed up, though. Purim (a Jewish holiday that resembles Halloween only in the tradition of dressing up and wearing masks) isn't too far off, so I still have my chance this year to see little ones in costume.
A lot has happened here this week. As many of you know, Israel's national unity government collapsed when the Labor party resigned. There has been an ongoing dispute over the budget. The Labor party wanted $145 million in state funding for the settlements (disputed areas which are often the source of problems in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict) to be redirected to low-income development towns. Unfortunately, the absence of the Labor party (including voices like Ben-Eliezer and Shimon Peres) is going to completely shift the power toward a less representative group. In fact, Sharon is trying to build a new coalition and, no surprise, he's approaching those with heavier "hawkish" views. Here's a link for those of you interested in reading more: Ha'aretz - Article
Outside of the political drama of the week, I've had quiet and productive days. It's definitely not the same without Mark around, I miss him, but I have found ways to make fun use of my "alone" time. I finished a bar mitzvah video, continued HTML work, went to my regular exercise classes, learned in my weekly class, etc.
I was really fortunate to see my friend and Rabbi, David Lieb (from Temple Beth El) here this week. He came with a group of 44 Reform Rabbis to visit, learn, and show support for Israel by being present here. It was great to spend time with him and he was very sweet to deliver some "goodies" from my mom (thanks again, Mom!). Last night I went to Tel Aviv with a group of friends for a birthday celebration. It was so much fun -- both the time together and also being in Tel Aviv, a city that drastically contrasts Jerusalem in almost every way.
A few more hours of Friday time and then Shabbat starts. A classmate of Mark's is including me in her Shabbat festivities tonight and then tomorrow I'll be at my "second home" -- with Nili's family.
My best to all of you. I can't thank you enough for keeping in touch and in your thoughts. It means a lot to me.
Take good care.
Rachel Ann