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Last updated on May 8, 2003

Yom Ha'Atzmaut -- Israel Independence Day
May 7, 2003
Thousands of people together dancing in the street to celebrate 55 years!
Yeshiva boys sing with great spirit
Yom HaZikaron -- Memorial Day
May 6, 2003
Family friend, Gil Shachar, dances in a
Memorial Day program at his school.
Memorial Day and Indepence Day
are closely intertwined here
Yom HaShoah -- Holocaust Remembrance Day
April 24, 2003
During the country-wide siren eveyone stops to observe the memory of those lost in the Holocaust
April 15 - April 27, 2003
We finally learned what "babooshka" means --
it's the Russian word for Grandmother.
We found these three babooshkas sitting on a
bench in the city of Tambov and
enjoying the chilly afternoon.
Some things work in all langugages!
Rach had a great time doing the
hora with this spirited group
of Jewish friends in the city of Lipetsk.
Ibrahim, the leader of the Lipetsk Jewish
community, on the left and our translator
and great friend, Slava, on the right
Mark and Slava leading one of our
4 Passover seders
Mark and Rach spent a morning in Tambov
with the Sunday School kids and made seder plates
as an art project
Raya, an 89 year old woman from the city
of Ryazan, showing Rach her history...
and quite a history it is.
Raya was a ghetto prisoner during
the "Great Patriotic War" (as WWII is referred
to there) and told us amazing stories
about her experiences.
On our first day in Moscow a beautiful
rainbow appeared over the Soviet Exhibition Hall.
Great timing...
Mark and Rach at the site of a future
Jewish Community Center in Moscow.
The spirit continues!
We *think* Putin was the cause for this procession
in front of the Supreme Soviet inside the Kremlin
Rach, Mark and friends at Lenin's tomb in Red Square.
There were statues and pictures of him
eveywhere (still), which was a surprise to us.
Mark imitating the statue to one of his favorite
writers, Dostoevsky, in front of the main Moscow library
Mark on the steps of the Jordan Staircase,
just one tiny part of the grand and famous
Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.
Visit with the Ayale Family
April 7, 2003
Woovenesh loves to dress Rach in Ethiopian clothing,
it's the weekly ritual -- what fun!
Teaching the kids about "dog piles"
The clothing worn in the Ethiopian culture is
undoubtedly the most beautiful I've seen
I was surprised (and very excited) to see Aboohai wearing
a t-shirt from the Israel Tennis Center, an organization
my Grandfather helped found that brings together
kids of all backgrounds to play together.
Volunteering with the famous Rabbanit Kapach
April 10
The Rabbanit (hard to miss, in the center) is a hero around Jerusalem. In addition to providing those in need with food for Shabbat every week and running a clothing distribution center, she also organizes a project which provides Passover food to 5,000 people every year! We had a great time working with her.
Working hard and feeling great
Around Jerusalem

The outdoor shuk is full of beautiful colors, scents, and people
An Ethiopian Jew with a happy smile
We recently spent some time in the Old City, where the four quarters of this ancient place ensure a diverse experience every visit
Bat Mitzvah in Netanya
April 5, 2003
Rach and her dear friend, Avital Botzer, on the occasion of her bat mitzvah.
Avital is the daughter of Aharon and Miriam Botzer, the founders of Livnot U'Lehibanot
Visit with Mark's cousins
April 4, 2003
Mark and his cousin, Donna. Mark's Mom was a first cousin to Donna's Father. She lives just outside of Tel Aviv with her husband and triplets.
Rach with Donna, the triplets, and their friend, Michael. From right to left: Donna, Dee-Dee, Gali, Yuvi, Michael and Rach
Purim at Hebrew Union College
March 18, 2003
There's something we've been meaning to mention...
Stacey and Joel (aka Max and Nellie)
Although you can't tell from this picture, our friends,
Erica and Karen, are sporting yarmulkes on these afros!
Rach (complete with ice cream and a pickle)
smiles with good friend, Matt.
Matt was a little confused by
what it meant to "dress up."
Purim Party With Our Ethiopian Families
March 10, 2003
Mark and Rach happy to be in Israel for Purim
Woovenesh, the 8-year-old in Rach's family,
takes a look at the results of her first face painting experience
Mark and a few classmates helped
with the festivities
Rach and Taganta, an incredibly sweet 11-year-old
who moved to Israel just five months ago
and has already learned Hebrew
Rach and 10-year-old Aboohai
Mark and his buddy, Justus, getting Purim crazy
Purim Around Jerusalem
The Purim spirit on Emek Refaim, a steet with
fabulous restuarants, jewelry shops, coffeehouses,
and plenty of Israeli culture
Rach's friend, Nili, and her boyfriend, Omer,
all dressed up for the fun holiday
It's a tradition on Purim (actually, it's a mitzvah)
to deliver Mishloach Manot, gift packages, to friends.
This is something mentioned in the story of Purim,
the Megillah Esther. Mark and Rach had a great walk
around town as they made their deliveries.
Spring shows its face in Jerusalem!
Beautiful tulips have arrived...
The Israel Museum
Mark in front of one of many beautiful pieces in the
sculpture garden. The Hebrew letters spell ahava, love.
Mark, Rach, and two HUC classmates
spent an afternoon at The Israel Museum,
one of Jerusalem's lovliest spots.
Birthday Parties Galore!
We had a blast celebrating with a surprise party for
three of Mark's classmates. Arriving a half an hour
apart, we had it down pat by the third surprise!
Our wonderful family friend, Loren Shachar,
just turned 50. Mazal tov, Laurie!
T'chelet Tying
According to Jewish tradition, the fringes of the talit (prayer shawl)
should include a blue string otherwise known as t'chelet.
Nobody knows for sure what the source of this color was originally,
but recently a scholar found a small sea mollusk that works to provide the dye.
Mark and some of his classmates recently got together and learned how to tie the t'chelet on their talitot
Snow Glorious Snow
Snowy view from our apartment balcony
Mark overlooking the white Western Wall
Rach and Nili in front of the Cardo in the Old City
Don't go that way, Mark, school is canceled!

Home Sweet Home
January 26 - February14, 2003

Home just in time for the big celebration --
Rach's Mom's birthday! Go Frankee!
So happy to be among family and friends
A couple of our favorite friends, Maria and Nacio,
had this little miracle just after we left last June
Tiare and her loving Daddy, Nacio
Rach and her great friend, Maria
South High girlfriends
Mark with our old Encino neighborhood
gang -- Noah, Zack, and Moses
Loving Mo-Mo on his 7th birthday!
Phaedra, one of Rach's closest friends,
gets into the birthday spirit for her little guy
Rach and da boys
The last part of Rach's stay was spent in the beautiful
Sonoran Desert with her Dad and Stepmom, Jan
Father and daughter and always a smile
Trip to the South
January 24-26, 2003

Rach and Mark -- first time at the Red Sea
Zim and Mark after scuba diving
Mark having fun at the Dead Sea
Rach with Jordan in the background
Beauty in the Negev Desert (the sunset and hills :)
Trip to the North
January 22-24, 2003

Mark and Zim at a playground built by
Livnot participants in the Old City of Tzfat
Zim in front of the small warning sign where the Good Fence Metulla used to be at the border with Lebanon
Josh Ladon and Joel Simon
January 16, 2003

Great friends!
Tu B'Shevat Seder with our Ethiopian Olim friends
January 20, 2003

Dancing to Am Yisrael Chai -- the people of Israel live
Tu B'Shevat Seder at the Lifeline for the Old
January 16, 2003

Mark and Rach talking with one of the residents at Jerusalem's Lifeline for the Old program. She was excited to share with us the projects she was working on.
Rach watercolored a tree in honor of Tu B'Shevat and Mark read the first Psalm, which was written in Hebrew on the back
Mea She'arim
January, 2003

Rach and her "sister," Leah
Boys in Mea She'arim
Sushi in Jerusalem!
January, 2003

Mark and Rach with good friends from LA, Michael and Ella,
who are set to be married here in Israel in June!!
The whole WBT Camps gang
The Ayale Family
December 23, 2002

Taganta and Woobanesh braiding Rach's hair, while Awage struggles to get some real estate in the picture
40th birthday party our friend, David
December 19, 2002

Rach setting up for the party with good friends, Jay and Joel
December, 2002

This dog can get air! She gets a little excited when she "smells" a walk
Mark tried to get Motek to study for him (Tam and Les, you always wondered how Mark got through school without studying much -- it was Rustee who was doing all the work!)
Chanukah Party
December 5, 2002

The Ayale Family with Erica (HUC student) and Rachel Ann
Woobenesh and Rach

Shabbat in Tzfat at Livnot
December 6-7, 2002

Rach and Ateret Botzer, daughter of the founder of Livnot
It's traditional to put the Menorah
in the window during Chanukah
Mark and Aharon Botzer. Aharon and his wife, Miriam,
started Livnot almost 25 years ago
Rach with her very special friend, Avital Botzer

Chanukah with the Shachar Family
December 2, 2002

Our family friend, Gil, with
Crembo all over his cute face
(See below for Crembo explanation)
Mark and Rach with Yair and Gil Shachar
Trip to Northern Israel
We learned about an ancient water source at Tzippori National Park,
an archaeological site in the Galilee
A short rest on our hike through
some old water tunnels
Mark at the famous candle factory in Tzfat
Oops -- a 20-year-old mosaic (Rubik's Cube) meets a
2,000-year-old mosaic at Tzippori
This great poster in a Reform Jewish community reads,
"There is more than one way to be a Jew"
Looking up at an old candelabra in a Tzfat synagogue
And you thought eating an Oreo was a cultural phenomenon -- our cousins taught us all about the famous "Crembo," a chocolate covered biscuit with marshmallow. Wow!
One of the highlights of this year is spending
time with our cousins, the Cnaan Family, in Haifa
Basking in a Tzfat sunset
On the rooftop at Livnot in Tzfat, where my life was changed forever
Beit Cafe (Coffeehouse open mic) at HUC
November 14, 2002

Mark's classmates, faculty, family, and friends enjoying the evening
"Appointment in Samara"
by W. Somerset Maugham (Read text)
He's the "Odd-Job Man" (Read lyrics)

Photos from Mark's trip to the States
October, 2002
Mark had the chance to see Josh on his way to the
Informal Jewish Education Conference in Rhode Island
Daniel Gropper with new baby, Shai
The view from Mark's conference center in Newport
Jay Lewis, David Lewis, David Beker, and Lisa Greene at IJE
Mark and the IJE gang out for the night in Newport
Tami leading Tot Shabbat services in Denver
Cameron teaches Mark a thing or two
Mark's Dad, Joel, shows off the new remodel
Joe and John in "high fashion"
A few months more and it's a picture of four.
Congrats Scott and Mieke!
Michelle, Tami, Lara, and Adam
at Mark's get together in Denver
Mark was excited to see great friends on his brief stop in Denver
We promise to be good if you just let us in to where all the action is
Mark and Rach checking things out in Turkey
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