May, 2003
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Dear family and friends,
We have about 3 more hours in Jerusalem, and then we'll be on our way home. We fly to Denver, spend about a week there with my family, then drive out to LA! As much as I enjoy airplane time, there is a part of me that is dreading this flight - it will be taking us away from what feels like a very comfortable, meaningful, passionate, fun life here in Israel. Rach and I sat out on our balcony for a while tonight, looking out at our view, talking about our year here ... lots of stories, lots of memories. We put a lot into our time in Israel, but we have gained much more. Let me know if you're interested, and I would LOVE to you more about it!
For now, though, I just wanted to leave you with a few last thoughts from Israel. It is just tragic that we arrived last June to terror, and we leave now with terror around us. The only thing I want to mention about the recent wave of Palestinian terror is that it is, sadly, not a surprise. In fact, our HUC political/security expert warned us about a month ago to expect it. Historically, every time Israel and the Palestinians have made any serious moves in the peace process, these attacks start happening with more frequency. A few weeks ago, with Colin Powell coming to Israel, Abu Mazen trying to take the reins of the Palestinian Authority, and new talks between our leaders, some elements in Palestinian society decided they did not like the direction we were headed. It's very sad, of course for the victims of terror in Israel, but also for however many "good" Palestinians there are who are being indirectly attacked by these fanatics. It's hard to know how many people support them; regardless, the terrorists harm their own people and any chance they have for peace and a stable life. We continue to hope that somebody will be able to stop them - whether it is the Israeli army, the Palestinian security forces, or some other group. Until that happens - until the terror stops - there is no way to take even a first step towards peace. And that is a very sad way for us to leave.
On a very different note, a few weeks ago we returned from our trip to Russia. We spent about 12 days visiting small Jewish communities near Moscow to help them lead Passover seders, run youth programs and adult seminars, and get to know the people who lived there. It was an incredible experience - if you're interested in knowing a little more about it, you can find Rach's note on our website:
You can also check out our recent photos, from Russia as well as other activities here:
That's about it for now - short and sweet so I can get some sleep before we go. I hope that as we return to the States, I will be able to see you or at least have a chance to be in better contact with you ... please let me know what is new and exciting in your life! It will take a little while for us to make the transition back from life in Israel, and as much as it will be difficult to leave all this behind, one of the most exciting parts of coming home is that we get to reconnect with our family and friends.
I hope you have enjoyed my occasional ramblings ... it has meant a lot to me as I've tried to communicate what this year has been like. It's hard to capture, but these notes have made me think about what has been most important, most impactful, and most meaningful.
Take care,
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